Our Amazing Inventions (5.C)

Our Amazing Inventions (5.C)

Our students developed their own versions of inventions and innovations and presented them in class. Ranging from T Watch, Omega Smart, Record QR, Light Cannon, Trash Blob, to Eco Bus and Eco Global Warming.

The students were asked to consider a problem and design a device or mechanism to address it. Subsequently, they must illustrate it and demonstrate it to the class, explaining its functionality, composition, and appearance. Convincing their peers to own and take into consideration one of the products was a part of the assignment. Finally, there was a chance for audience members to pose questions to the speakers.

The project's main focus is critical thinking, a skill that students frequently have ample opportunity to hone. In addition to being imaginative, the students are learning how to collaborate on ideas.

I acknowledge the hard work of our future inventors for a job well done!

Autor: John Mark Opon


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